Decoding Soil Biology - Influence of Biostimulants on the Soil Microbiome - ATP Academy
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Course Description: 

This course provides an in-depth understanding of soil health, biostimulants, and soil genomic testing, highlighting their impact on crop productivity and regenerative agriculture practices. The modules cover fundamental principles, analytical methods, practical applications, and precision farming techniques.

Time: Approx. 50 minutes + Quiz

Quiz: 15 Questions

CCA/CEU Credits: 1.0 Soil and Water*

* CEU credits will be submitted on your behalf upon the completion of the course. This process can take up to 30 days to appear in your account. If you have any issues please contact ATP at

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Course Instructor

Gus Plamann
Senior Agronomist - Biome Makers Inc.

Gus Plamann is an agronomist aspiring to develop regenerative agriculture systems that function in harmony with natural processes to support farm profitability, enhance crop nutritional value, and conserve vital ecosystem services.

The conventional agricultural paradigm that supports food production across the globe has changed minimally since chemical fertilizers, herbicides, and pesticides were widely adopted in the mid-1900s. Although these chemical inputs often boost crop production or address limits to yield in the short-term, they also are widely known to contribute to long-term degradation of agricultural land, declines in the quality of produce, hazards to human health, and major environmental issues across the world.

Gus aspires to contribute to a widespread shift from conventional agronomic practices to agroecology-driven practices, which focus on agricultural management practices that harness natural biological and ecological processes to support crop growth. As our human understanding of microbiology, plant physiology, and soil biology continues to advance, there is more potential than ever to leverage biological processes and render agriculture systems more efficient, sustainable, and profitable than under outdated conventional practices that are known to hinder the natural processes that plants have relied on for millions of years.

Gus has a wide range of hands-on experience and consulting experience involving the use of organic agricultural inputs, cover crops, biological products, precision irrigation, and other regenerative (agroecology) practices across a variety of crop systems. The ability of these tools to alleviate dependence on chemical inputs and improve crop resilience continues to amaze me and inspire hope that someday regenerative systems will become the norm across the world. I aspire to bring this vision to fruition through the development, promotion, and adoption of effective agroecological tools