Course Description:
This course provides a comprehensive guide to understanding, creating, and protecting wheat yield potential through strategic agronomic practices. It is divided into three key sections:
- Introduction to Yield Potential – Covers the historical evolution of wheat yields, insights from record-breaking wheat growers, and the role of benchmarking tools like the Yield Enhancement Network (YEN) in improving productivity. It emphasizes the importance of evaluating regional yield potential and adopting innovative technologies to optimize crop performance.
- Creating the Potential – Focuses on yield components and best agronomic practices for establishing a high-yielding wheat crop. Key topics include seeding depth, row spacing, residue management, uniform emergence, and fertility strategies that influence head counts, grain development, and test weight.
- Protecting the Potential – Explores strategies to sustain high yields throughout the growing season, including proper nitrogen management, lodge prevention, tissue testing, and fungicide application. The section emphasizes timely input applications, disease prevention, and maintaining flag leaf health to support late-season grain fill and maximize profitability.
By the end of this course, participants will have a practical understanding of yield optimization strategies and the ability to implement science-driven, field-tested practices that contribute to higher wheat productivity and farm profitability.
Time: Approx. 45 minutes + Quiz
Quiz: 12 Questions
CCA/CEU Credits: 1.0 Nutrient Management*
* CEU credits will be submitted on your behalf upon the completion of the course. This process can take up to 30 days to appear in your account. If you have any issues please contact ATP at
You must log in and have started this course to submit a review.
Course Content
Course Instructor

Owner, Needum Ag Technologies
Phil was originally brought to the USA from England by a large ag-retailer, to help expand a European style crop management program. The average wheat yield in the UK is around 120 bu/ac, but some producers across the Eastern Coast of England frequently achieve 150-200 bu/ac wheat yields on their farms, using intensive management systems.
This program was first introduced to producers in Kentucky where it soon had a big impact on yields. In fact, it contributed to a doubling of the average state wheat yield across Kentucky over a 20 year period. Phil now works directly with producers and dealers across the Ohio Valley, plus the Central and Northern Plains, helping them increase yields and profits using similar style intensive crop management systems.
Phil conducts around 70 crop management seminars and equipment clinics each year. These events include Phil's practical experience and research, to help producers streamline their crop management strategies, increase crop yields and boost farm profits.
Phil and his wife Holly started Needham Ag Technologies, LLC. in February 2006 to help provide agronomically proven products and agronomy services to fill voids in the market. Today, their equipment division continues to grow, along with their customer base across the US, Canada and many other countries around the world.