Understanding and Managing the Rhizosphere for Soil and Plant Health - ATP Academy
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Course Description:

The rhizosphere is the biologically active zone around plant roots, where complex interactions between plants, microbes, nutrients, and soil structure determine plant health and productivity. This course explores the fundamental processes occurring in the rhizosphere, the role of mycorrhizal fungi, microbial interactions, and practical applications for improving soil fertility and crop resilience. By understanding these principles, growers can optimize soil conditions to enhance plant growth, nutrient availability, and overall ecosystem balance.  

Time: Approx. 45 minutes + Quiz

Quiz: 12 Questions

CCA/CEU Credits: 1.0 Water and Soil*

* CEU credits will be submitted on your behalf upon the completion of the course. This process can take up to 30 days to appear in your account. If you have any issues please contact ATP at info@atpag.com

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Course Instructor

Dr. Jill Clapperton
Principal Scientist - Rhizoterra Inc. 

Jill Clapperton recognized the ability of no tillage to promote soil biological activity early in her 16 year career as the Rhizosphere Ecologist at the Agriculture and Agri Food Canada Lethbridge Research Centre in Lethbridge Alberta Canada. After moving to the USA with her husband and family, Jill began her career as an entrepreneur first as the owner of Earthspirit Consulting and then as the Co-Founder of Rhizoterra Inc.  Jill Clapperton is a well-known international speaker on topics relating to creating and managing healthy productive soils, crop rotation and cover crops.  She is working to develop and adapt technologies for improved on farm decision-making based on science.
Jill Clapperton is also the Founder of the Worm Watch Program that uses earthworms as indicators of environmental sustainability and soil health for which she won the Environment Canada Patricia Roberts – Pichette Award for Enthusiastic leadership and commitment to advancing ecological monitoring and research in Canada. In 2014, received the Syngenta National No Till Award for Leadership and Education, and in 2016 she received the National No Till Award for being a Legend in No Till.

Rhizoterra Inc. is a purveyor of information and independent research that supports food growers and consumers around the World in making informed decisions based on science.